Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Nutrient-Rich Low Calorie Way of Eating

The nutrient-rich, low-calorie way of eating for a longer life has been scientifically proven to extend your healthy years. Those who elect to follow this way of eating can watch important health markers such as body weight, fat content, blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugars become normalized.

If you've ever had a question about the human lifespan and how to extend it - you cannot find a more eminent expert than Dr. Roy Walford.

Here is the information that I shared with many who seemed interested in adding years to their lives so that they can continue on with the many important tasks that they know and feel called to do. There are many factors and choices in our lives that we can work with which will lead to a better quality of life. We can affect our diet, stop poor health practices such as smoking or drinking or unsafe sexual practices, safe driving habits, not talking on the cell phone as you drive, do physical (cardio, core/weight, and Yoga/Stretching) exercise at least 5 days a week, daily meditate, practice spiritual exercises including breathing and prayer, improve our mental health and attitudes, and a multitude of other factors. These are things we can do now -- some with little effort and others with a great deal of effort on our part. I am not talking about some frail half dead 100 year person warehoused in a home for the aged, but a 100 year old person who is still going strong as though they were in their 50's or 60's and can walk and are active.

  • Choosing to smoke or not smoke. If you smoke, you can choose to quit or use the time honored excuse of I cannot quit because the addiction is too strong for me.
  • Choosing to drink alcohol or not.
  • Choosing to eat the SAD (Standard American Diet) Diet or changing your diet to have a healthy body that will stay young and strong for over a hundred years. Note: The DNA in our cells had the code of immortality written in them and one of the results of what is coming will be tuning into the key to unlock this DNA code.
  • Choose to exercise or not exercise your muscles and heart.
  • Choose to meditate or not meditate.
  • Choose to improve yourself mentally or stagnate as a person.
  • Choose regular store bought food or buy organic naturally raised food
One book that has helped me to improve my diet and health and get into a much better pattern of eating because of the knowledge imparted in this book is . . .

The Anti-Aging Plan

by Roy Walford, MD

Note and disclaimer: This is for your information and knowledge only and I do not get any financial renumeration from Amazon. My only reward is seeing a person helped by this as it improves their life.


Namasté (नमस्ते [nʌmʌsˈteː]
(Sanskrit - I bow to the Divinity in you.)

Siochan leat
(Gaelic - Peace be with you.)

Are you an Empath?

Empathy: n. 1. The ability to sense and/or understand emotion(s) from another person, animal, inanimate objects incorporating stimulation to any and or all of the senses (including the 6th Sense) without verbally being told and/or without obvious visual clues.

2. The ability to be sensitive and receptive to outside emotional stimuli. - adj. empathic or empathetic., v. to empathize

Empath: n. 1. A person who has the ability to experience empathy towards another person, and/or animate/inanimate objects, in part or from all of the above definition.

2. A person who is sensitive to the emotions in others.

What kind of Empath are you?

Just for kicks, here's a quick Self Test:

Empath Self Test

10 Levels of Empath
By Jerry Breen

General (1)
The feeling you get when walking into a room where the feeling(s) are 'so thick in here, you could cut it with a knife.' (Everyone has experienced this level of empathy, even those who claim to not being empath!)

Empath (1)
(a) They are hit with all sorts of feelings and emotions, but know that those emotions/feelings are not theirs. But have no idea where they are coming from SPECIFICALLY, and or are unable to identify those specifically.

(b) Over all 'static' feeling of emotions or are over-whelmed and consumed.
~ Do not know where it's coming from or why.
~ Generally in 4 people or greater groups or crowds.
~ The larger the 'group/crowd' the more 'over-whelmed' feeling one would get.
~ It is possible that some 'clinically depressed' people MIGHT fall into this category. Because the 'over all emotions' of others so overwhelm, that they avoid groups of any size, because it causes depression. (These are those where there is no 'clinical' or 'medical' reason that can be found.)

Empath (2)
~ Same as EMPATH (1a & b) BUT: They can identify the emotions of the above.. HAPPY, SAD, JOY, PAIN, etc. But are unable to focus on where specifically it is coming from except one-on-one, without obvious visual clues.

Empath (3)
~ Same as Empath (2) BUT: They can identify the emotions of the above and tell where they are coming from in small crowds, without the obvious visual clues.

Empath (4)
~ Same as Empath (3) BUT: In large crowds can focus on strong emotional out put from individuals, and tell generally where it it's coming from and focus and search it out.

Empath (5)
~ ALL THE ABOVE plus over great distances of people they love or know, and major events: earthquakes, bombings, celebrations, etc.

Empath (6)
~ ALL THE ABOVE, and be able to hone in and know WHY the feeling is there in general to slightly specific reason for the emotion.

Empath (7)
~ ALL THE ABOVE, and be able to detect if emotional or physical in nature, and why in rather specific detail.

Empath (8)
~ This is in level of 'Psi' abilities. All the above, and know without 'seeing', 'knowing' or observing by natural means... in very specific detail.

Empath (9)
~ All the above, and is able to focus and "scan" the person for detail or information physically, emotionally, etc. And give very specific information / detail.

Empath (10)
~ ALL the above, with great control, this person also branches into PSI abilities and is able to control to various levels thought / body and other functions in another person. Depending on the level of PSI, which is another, and deeper study and research.


Namasté (नमस्ते [nʌmʌsˈteː]
(Sanskrit - I bow to the Divinity in You.)

Siochan leat
(Gaelic - Peace be with you.)

Law of Attraction Songs

Law of attraction songs, feel good music or positive songs of wisdom & well-being, whatever label you give it, Francine's music will leave you feeling good and looking at life from a perspective of joy!

Law of attraction songs enhance your feelings of self-esteem and well-being, help in reprogramming thoughts & patterns, release resistance, bring relief from stress & depression, raise vibrations, and take you to a place of allowing and manifesting your desires.

Law of attraction songs are a perfect reminder and self-help tool to help you maintain your connection... a great music experience!

Law of Attraction Songs

May your days be filled with peace, healing, and love as you discover your purpose in life to bring healing and peace to during this time of transition in our world.

Namasté (नमस्ते [nʌmʌsˈteː]
(Sanskrit - I bow to the Divinity in You.)

Siochan leat
(Gaelic - Peace be with you.)

Starseed Identification Quiz

Found these on the web and thought it worth sharing with people since they are appropriate to help people get a feeling about who they might be and their purpose on this earth.

Click on the link below to take the ET quiz.



Click on the link below to take the Starseeds Quiz

Starseed Wanderer Quiz

Artwork by Jean-Luc Bozzoli

May your days be filled with peace, healing, and love as you discover your purpose in life to bring healing and peace to during this time of transition in our world.


Namasté (नमस्ते [nʌmʌsˈteː]
(Sanskrit - I bow to the Divinty in You.)

Siochan leat
(Gaelic - Peace be with you.)

Inspirational Quote


Namasté (नमस्ते [nʌmʌsˈteː]
(Sanskrit - I bow to the Divinity in You.)

Siochan leat
(Gaelic - Peace be with you.)

Children of the Sun, Ambassadors of Light

A Message definately needed by all who view the video below. When the children sing, it sends chills down my back and gets me all teary eyed.

Children of the Sun Video

Yet another website for Starseeds, Lightworkers, Children of the Sun, Ambassadors of Light, and other gentle kind people who are working to help humanity make the transition toward enlightenment.

Children of the Sun, Ambassadors of Light Web Ring


Children of the Sun TV

Ambassadors of Light


Namasté (नमस्ते [nʌmʌsˈteː]
(Sanskrit - I bow to the Divinty in You.)

Siochan leat
(Gaelic - Peace be with you.)

Confessions of a Public School Teacher

It seems a shame that when we become adults that we lose our child like curiosity, innocence, and enthusiasm. This is why it is so important for us to become like little children in our hearts, actions, and minds and encourage our children to learn to use their gifts not stifle them by being rude or gruff. Think about how a child looks at the world and how they give unconditional love. To understand unconditional love, think about a family pet that has not seen you for a day and how it gets so excited that it literally yells or meows and shakes with pleasure (it's the purr or the tail wag shaking or in the case of my tailless dog his whole butt wags with excitement) when you get home. They are overjoyed to see you and this is how we should greet our loved ones also. Even if abused, the pet will in 5 minutes act as if it never happened and will not hold a grudge for decades saying we will never forget or forgive.

Having a detailed knowledge about how the education system works, schools destroy this in children because the system has been geared to create conformity, blind obedience, and a group (hive) mentality that stifles creativity and divergent thinking of any kind. In an attempt to control young people, any deviation from this is harshly dealt with to the point that a multitude of children are given powerful mind and psychotropic drugs to dull then kill any enlightenment they have to make them easier to manage, or they are ostracized and isolated by others. Don't get me wrong, there are many fine and noble teachers and administrators, but the whole system is geared to work on discipline and punishment and conformity not truely unlocking the great potential, creative and divergent thinking, and development that children need so they can develop into outstanding adults. Instead of trying to raise all students to the very highest ideals and standards, most schools go to the very basest and mediocre minimal learning possible.

Public schools are great for training a work force of soldiers, industrial workers, bureaucrats, and robo sapiens who will conform to following orders without thinking or questioning why they are doing or what they are doing. This is how they have been able to manipulate the population so easily.

The very brightest children learn to hide their gifts and talents instead of being encouraged and given opportunities to develop them to their full extent. This is the reason why Indigo Children, star children, crystal children, children of the sun, and rainbow children should not be sent to any public school in the world or to religious schools (note: I stated religious schools not spiritual schools.) and either educated at home or in private schools that encourage and nurture the development of these wonderful and precious children and their extraordinary gifts and talents.

Contact me for my ideas about how to educate and train indigo, crystal, star, children of the light, and rainbow children to optimize and enhance their gifts and talents.

Web Site: Creating Obedient People by Dumbing Them Down

Namasté (नमस्ते [nʌmʌsˈteː]
(Sanskrit - I bow to the Divinity in You.)

Siochan leat
(Gaelic - Peace be with you.)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Excerpted from The Power of Attitude

A Native American boy was talking with his grandfather.

"What do you think about the world situation?" he asked.

The grandfather replied, "I feel like wolves are fighting in my heart.
One is full of anger and hatred; the other is full of love, forgiveness, and peace."

"Which one will win?" asked the boy.

To which the grandfather replied, "The one I feed."
(Origin Unknown)

The Hero Within Us

It's a classic tale: The Village is attacked; people are killed; people are taken. The son of the chief has failed to protect his people since he really doesn't feel that he is worthy to lead. Guilt, fear, desperation and no small amount of love are his driving forces. Somehow he must rescue his people, his love, and himself.

The enemy is evil! Of this there is no doubt. It has subjugated others with greed and fear to do its bidding. Without these tools, it would never succeed, for evil has no foundation and must feed on others. It is lost in its understanding and desperately reaches out to take what ever it can find. How sad its plight. Neither sympathy nor empathy will benefit it.

Only Love has the power to transform it.

I've seen two movies lately that have inspired this writing. "Apocalypto" and "10,000 BC".
In both, the warnings that danger was coming was obvious but the people chose to ignore the warnings because they were too comfortable and complacent and because they didn't quite know what to make of them. The destruction of their world might have been avoided or at least lessened had they heeded the warnings and prepared themselves. But then, where's the adventure in that? Besides, it wasn't in the script. We do so love conflict as long as it doesn't effect us.

The theme I am speaking of is a constant thread in the fabric of our society.
Indeed, without it, what controversy would we have to overcome? What would we pit ourselves against? Is this a third-dimensional syndrome?

The fact that we have allowed ourselves to believe that we are disconnected from Source, opens the field to infinite scenarios of conflict and its resolution. The society we have created is reaping the "benefits" of our conscious and unconscious actions. We look at the headlines and squelch at the atrocities. The destruction is so rampant that the mind reels while trying to maintain perspective. Our entertainment runs from the extremes of lust to violence to mindless absurdity in our quest to not focus on our perceived reality.

What can I do about it all? The mind reels again. It's too much. Just be a good citizen, contribute to the economy, keep paying your taxes and don't ask too many questions.
Is this really the life we want?

You can though, if you look deeply, find an amazing array of consciousness just below the surface of our society. In many places, it is sprouting above the surface like seedlings in the springtime. In some places it is already in full bloom. The light is penetrating the darkness and already the confines of darkness are being breached. The image I see is a huge dark mass that has grown in density and has attempted to cover the whole of our awareness. The light is bursting forth as more and more beams penetrate this darkness. We must be aware though, that as the light increases, so deepen the shadows.

What I recognized in the warriors in the movies, is that at some point after they had allowed themselves to feel the depths of their self-pity, they knew the source of it. They then recognized the power of the Love within themselves. At that point, nothing could stop them from their mission. They realized what was important and found within themselves a source of strength they had never even imagined. The radiance of that realization shone forth to touch and empower everyone around them ? except the enemy, of course, which it just pissed off.
Evil, it seems, has no understanding of this power and often is instrumental in its own demise when faced with it.

I believe we are all standing on the threshold of discovering the Hero within us. I have delved about as deep into self-pity as I care to and for myself, I would far rather face a warrior's death than to dwell in a prison of someone else's making.

These are not our only two choices though. My choice is to dwell in the power of love and to consciously transform this adventure.

The fourth and fifth dimensions are shimmering on the horizon. Yes, there is darkness in our path. Dawn is upon us.

- Contributed by Laura

Monday, March 24, 2008

Holy Encounters: See God in Every Person

This is a term from A Course in Miracles which states that every encounter with a brother or sister is a holy encounter. Every exchange between two people should be thought of as Angels meeting Angels, Christ meeting Christ, Buddha meeting Buddha, God meeting God, etc. This is called innocent perception - seeing the innocence in each person, that which is divine - and has been one of my main daily committments to expanding my enlightenment, Christ consciousness, and spiritual growth.

When you follow this practice, it will lead to unconditional love. This ideal means that you are seeing beyond the appearances of the physical, emotional, and mental bodies and to see the true core of every person.

The world is a mirror of our own thinking. What we see in our brothers and sisters is in truth, what we are seeing in ourselves. To heal oneself, one must see God in every person as oneself.

This applies to how one sees members of the opposite sex. Do you see a person in a physical body first -- or as God living in a physical body?

When we think of people as God living in a physical body, our thinking and talking will start to change because we are literally encountering God with everyone we are around, talk to and meet.

Since God is total unconditional love, to speak and act unkindly or with a mean spirit or lustfully or in an offensive way only hurts, confuses, or deeply wounds the person as well as ourselves. It is much better to go through life thinking that every person you encounter is God. It is also very necessary and therapeutic for a person's growth and healing so they can move toward enlightenment.

Namasté (नमस्ते [nʌmʌsˈteː]
(Sanskrit - I bow to the Divinity in You.)

Siochan leat
(Gaelic - Peace be with you.)

The Awakening of The Cosmic Heart (The Core Rainbow)

The Awakening of The Cosmic Heart (The Core Rainbow)

The above video really touched me. Hope that it has the same profound effect upon those who view it.

Namasté (नमस्ते [nʌmʌsˈteː]
(Sanskrit - I bow to the Divinity in You.)

Siochan leat
(Gaelic - Peace be with you.)

Walking the Walk: Healing the World

Hope that this finds everyone well and and in great health, the peace of the Creator that passes all understanding, power, and strength. Here is a video that everyone should watch. It is about a wonderful story about a person who although dead is now inspiring a nation and embarked upon a journey for peace and spirituality for the betterment of all mankind. Considering your passion for peace, you should find her story quite an uplifting experience.

Her story, philosophy, spiritual walk, and life is certainly something to be emulated. There is a the collective move toward a higher spiritual growth that people are thirsting for today due to our uncertain times with fear war and hatred of others. Below are the precepts that she used for her life.

From 1953 to 1981 a silver haired woman calling herself only "Peace Pilgrim" walked more than 25,000 miles on a personal pilgrimage for peace. She vowed to "remain a wanderer until mankind has learned the way of peace, walking until given shelter and fasting until given food." In the course of her 28 year pilgrimage she touched the hearts, minds, and lives of thousands of individuals all across North America. Her message was both simple and profound. It continues to inspire people all over the world:

"This is the way of peace: overcome evil with good,
and falsehood with truth, and hatred with love."

Peace Pilgrim: An American Sage Video

Peace Pilgrim: An American Saga

Peace Pilgrim Web Site

Peace Pilgrim Web Site

1. Assume right attitude toward life

Stop being an escapist or a surface-liver as these attitudes can only cause inharmony in your life. Face life squarely and get down below the froth on its surface to discover its verities and realities. Solve the problems that life sets before you, and you will find that solving them contributes to your inner growth. Helping to solve collective problems contributes also to your growth, and these problems should never be avoided.

2. Live good beliefs.

The laws governing human conduct apply as rigidly as the law of gravity. Obedience to these laws pushes us toward harmony; disobedience pushes us toward inharmony. Since many of these laws are already common belief, you can begin by putting into practice all the good things you believe. No life can be in harmony unless belief and practice are in harmony.

3. Find your place in the Life Pattern.

You have a part in the scheme of things. What that part is you can know only from within yourself. You can seek it in receptive silence. You can begin to live in accordance with it by doing all the good things you are motivated toward and giving these things priority in your life over all the superficial things that customarily occupy human lives.

4. Simplify life to bring inner and outer well-being into harmony.

Unnecessary possessions are unnecessary burdens. Many lives are cluttered not only with unnecessary possessions but also with meaningless activities. Cluttered lives are out-of-harmony lives and require simplification. Wants and needs can become the same in a human life and, when this is accomplished, there will be a sense of harmony between inner and outer well-being. Such harmony is needful not only in the individual life but in the collective life too.

1. Purification of the bodily temple.

Are you free from all bad habits? In your diet do you stress the vital foods - the fruits, whole grains, vegetables and nuts? Do you get to bed early and get enough sleep? Do you get plenty of fresh air, sunshine, exercise, and contact with nature? If you can answer "Yes" to all of these questions, you have gone a long way toward purification of the bodily temple.

2. Purification of the thoughts.

It is not enough to do right things and say right things. You must also think right things. Positive thoughts can be powerful influences for good. Negative thoughts can make you physically ill. Be sure there is no unpeaceful situation between yourself and any other human being, for only when you have ceased to harbor unkind thoughts can you attain inner harmony.

3. Purification of the desires.

Since you are here to get yourself into harmony with the laws that govern human conduct and with your part in the scheme of things, your desires should be focused in this direction.

4. Purification of motives.

Obviously your motive should never be greed or self-seeking, or the wish for self-glorification, you shouldn't even have the selfish motive of attaining inner peace for yourself. To be of service to your fellow humans must be your motive before your life can come into harmony.

1. Relinquishment of self-will.

You have, or it's as though you have, two selves: the lower self that usually governs you selfishly, and the higher self which stands ready to use you gloriously. You must subordinate the lower self by refraining from doing the not-good things you are motivated toward, not suppressing them but transforming them so that the higher self can take over your life.

2. Relinquishment of the feeling of separateness.

All of us, all over the world, are cells in the body of humanity. You are not separate from your fellow humans, and you cannot find harmony for yourself alone. You can only find harmony when you realize the oneness of all and work for the good of all.

3. Relinquishment of attachments.

Only when you have relinquished all attachments can you be really free. Material things are here for use, and anything you cannot relinquish when it has outlived its usefulness possesses you. You can only live in harmony with your fellow humans if you have no feeling that you possess them, and therefore do not try to run their lives.

4. Relinquishment of all negative feelings.

Work on relinquishing negative feelings. If you live in the present moment, which is really the only moment you have to live, you will be less apt to worry. If you realize that those who do mean things are psychologically ill, your feelings of anger will turn to feelings of pity. If you recognize that all of your inner hurts are caused by your own wrong actions or your own wrong reactions or your own wrong inaction, then you will stop hurting yourself.

Awaken The Starseed Lightworker You are

Thought this might strike a cord with people.

Starseed Lightworker


Namasté (नमस्ते [nʌmʌsˈteː]
(Sanskrit - I bow to the Divinity in you.)

Siochan leat
(Gaelic - Peace be with you.)

Top Ten Ways to Maintain or Boost Immune System

Top Ten Ways to Maintain or Boost Immune System

In times like we live in now, we need to give our bodies all the advantage we can. As with everything in life, we can choose to follow the way of health or go on our own path. This is presented For Your Information.

  • Deep Sleep is one of the most important ways to boost the immune system. Chronic insomnia can lead to immune system deficiency or poor immune response.
  • Moderate exercise, at least 3 times a week. Excessive and prolonged physical activity temporarily reduces the function of the immune system.
  • Reduce stress any way you know how. Stress releases the hormone cortisol which wreaks havoc with the immune system. Stress of any kind -- emotional, physical, psychological -- quickly damages the immune system.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. They have flavonoids that have anti-bacterial and anti-viral activity. Avoid excessive sugar intake. Consume more garlic, onions, and culinary herbs.
  • Ingest healthy probiotic bacteria. These friendly gut bacteria may boost the immune system.
  • Reduce or eliminate smoking. Keep alcohol consumption low or moderate.
  • Get a massage. Massage therapy reduces cortisol levels.
  • Pray, meditate, listen to music, or find a way to still your mind.
  • Do yoga, or relaxed breathing and stretching, at least once or twice a week.
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure except for 30 minutes a day to create Vitamin D production in your body.
Note and disclaimer: This is for your information and knowledge only, and I do not get any financial renumeration from and source. My only reward is seeing a person helped by this as it improves their life. As with any new diet or program check this out with your doctor before going into it. Freely I have received so I freely give.


Namasté (नमस्ते [nʌmʌsˈteː]
(Sanskrit - I bow to the Divine in you.)

Siochan leat
(Gaelic - Peace be with you.)

The Gathering Projects

Free Hugs Campaign

"The Gathering Projects" have been created as a gathering place for those who share the common interest of changing the world one person at a time through spiritual growth and enlightenment. The quest is to touch people by bringing hope, love and prosperity through the power that we all share. Our commonality and our diversity serves as the great reminder that we are all one. Through our own talents and gifts, we create a world that becomes more peaceful.


The Gathering Projects

Free Hugs Campaign: Video

Free Hugs Campaign: Web Site

Fantastic Spiritual Film and Media Resource

Many movies, films, and videos have really very terrible messages and actions that are quite frankly not worth our time viewing because they are not uplifting nor do they help with the spiritual growth of those who view them.

In fact they really pander to the base human emotions or even bring down the spirits of those who watch them.

There is however a movie based company that goes out of it's way to provide uplifing and spiritually strong videos which are never released.

Here's an insider movie industry secret you may not be aware of: Many of the most visionary, inspiring movies made each year are never even released, so you never get a chance to see them.

Why? Because most mainstream Hollywood distributors simply don't believe there's an audience for these kinds of movies. Sure, occasionally a film like Whale Rider or What The Bleep breaks through, but for every one of these there are dozens of others that would touch you just as deeply... if only you could find a way to see them.

Now you can. As an exclusive member of Spiritual Cinema Circle, you'll receive entertaining, soulful movies that will...

?Awaken your sense of joy and wonder!
?Inspire love and compassion!
?Evoke a deeper sense of connection with the universe around you!

P.S. When you join Spiritual Cinema Circle you will be making an important contribution to your world. By joining The Circle, you will bring inspiring and enlightening entertainment into your own life while positively influencing the lives of others.

Through your support, you are encouraging talented, visionary filmmakers to continue in their efforts to add life and meaning to our movies. For years now, these filmmakers have been over looked by mainstream distributors looking for big profits. As a result we have all experienced the spread of movies that glorify violence and foster negative stereotypes in our culture's mindset, ultimately leading to a general emotional and spiritual numbness.

Check out the

Spiritual Cinema Circle

Emotional Freedom Technique

Amazing Universal Healing Aid -by Gary Craig EFT FounderWhat is the Emotional Freedom Technique?

The Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT, is the psychological acupressure technique I routinely use in my practice and most highly recommend to optimize your emotional health. Although it is still often overlooked, emotional health is absolutely essential to your physical health and healing - no matter how devoted you are to the proper diet and lifestyle, you will not achieve your body's ideal healing and preventative powers if emotional barriers stand in your way.

EFT is very easy to learn, and will help you:

Remove Negative Emotions
Reduce Food Cravings
Reduce or Eliminate Pain
Implement Positive Goals
EFT is a form of psychological acupressure, based on the same energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and emotional ailments for over five thousand years, but without the invasiveness of needles. Instead, simple tapping with the fingertips is used to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians on the head and chest while you think about your specific problem - whether it is a traumatic event, an addiction, pain, etc. -- and voice positive affirmations.

This combination of tapping the energy meridians and voicing positive affirmation works to clear the "short-circuit" - the emotional block -- from your body's bioenergy system, thus restoring your mind and body's balance, which is essential for optimal health and the healing of physical disease.

Some people are initially wary of these principles that EFT is based on - the electromagnetic energy that flows through the body and regulates our health is only recently becoming recognized in the West. Others are initially taken aback by (and sometimes amused by) the EFT tapping and affirmation methodology, whose basics you will learn here.

EFT Introduction
Note: Very powerful way to clear your emotions which control a lot of your body.

Emotional Freedom Technique Web Site
Based on impressive new discoveries regarding the body's subtle energies, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) has proven successful in thousands of clinical cases. It applies to just about every emotional, health and performance issue you can name and it often works where nothing else will.

A Nutrient-Rich Low Calorie Way of Eating

The nutrient-rich, low-calorie way of eating for a longer life has been scientifically proven to extend your healthy years. Those who elect to follow this way of eating can watch important health markers such as body weight, fat content, blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugars become normalized.

If you've ever had a question about the human lifespan and how to extend it - you cannot find a more eminent expert than Dr. Roy Walford.

Here is the information that I shared with many who seemed interested in adding years to their lives so that they can continue on with the many important tasks that they know and feel called to do. There are many factors and choices in our lives that we can work with which will lead to a better quality of life. We can affect our diet, stop poor health practices such as smoking or drinking or unsafe sexual practices, safe driving habits, not talking on the cell phone as you drive, do physical (cardio, core/weight, and Yoga/Stretching) exercise at least 5 days a week, daily meditate, practice spiritual exercises including breathing and prayer, improve our mental health and attitudes, and a multitude of other factors. These are things we can do now -- some with little effort and others with a great deal of effort on our part. I am not talking about some frail half dead 100 year person warehoused in a home for the aged, but a 100 year old person who is still going strong as though they were in their 50's or 60's and can walk and are active.
  • Choosing to smoke or not smoke. If you smoke, you can choose to quit or use the time honored excuse of I cannot quit because the addiction is too strong for me.
  • Choosing to drink alcohol or not.
  • Choosing to eat the SAD (Standard American Diet) Diet or changing your diet to have a healthy body that will stay young and strong for over a hundred years. Note: The DNA in our cells had the code of immortality written in them and one of the results of what is coming will be tuning into the key to unlock this DNA code.
  • Choose to exercise or not exercise your muscles and heart.
  • Choose to meditate or not meditate.
  • Choose to improve yourself mentally or stagnate as a person.
  • Choose regular store bought food or buy organic naturally raised food
One book that has helped me to improve my diet and health and get into a much better pattern of eating because of the knowledge imparted in this book is . . .

The Anti-Aging Plan by Roy Walford, MD

Note and disclaimer: This is for your information and knowledge only, and I do not get any financial renumeration from Amazon for Dr. Joel Fuhrman. My only reward is seeing a person helped by this as it improves their life. As with any new diet or program check this out with your doctor before going it it. Freely I have received so I freely give.


Namasté (नमस्ते [nʌmʌsˈteː]
(Sanskrit - I bow to the Divinity in you.)

Siochan leat
(Gaelic - Peace be with you.)

Practicing Unconditional love in Your Life

Unconditional love is at the heart of all manifestation of our healing, ascension, and leadership. All great religious teachers throughout millennia have taught that love is the most important spiritual practice of all. It is important to start our day with love, fill the day with love, spend the day with love, and end the day with love - for this is the way of God. This is the foundation of all spiritual growth and practice.

Think of it this way - we live in our physical bodies as long as God wills it, and we pay rent to God by demonstrating faith, devotion, and spiritual practices - the number one spiritual practice is unconditional love. Since being with God is being one with all in love, this is the foundation of everything. Tied in with unconditional love are the qualities of generosity and graciousness.

There are many great spiritual teachers who have great information and who are great channels or psychics, but if unconditional love is not the foundation of everything they do, then pride and selfishness become the fruit of their labors spoiling what they hope to accomplish in their lives. True God realization cannot be attained without unconditional love or their efforts will be in vain.

The WHOLE law is to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, thy mind, thy body; and to love thy neighbor as thyself. This is the whole law.

In order to give unconditional love to others we must also be able to receive God's unconditional love in our life. Many people love God but when it comes to themselves, they really cannot and as a result miss a blessing in their lives. We cannot love others unless you first love yourself is what the point is.

May peace and love fill everyone's entire day for now and forever more for all eternity as you put unconditional love into practice.

This is the type of love that was so elegantly describe by men who had experienced God's unselfish total love in 1 Corinthians 13:1-12 .

1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, it profits me nothing.
4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away.


Namasté (नमस्ते [nʌmʌsˈteː]
(Sanskrit - I bow to the Divinity in You.)

Siochan leat
(Gaelic - Peace be with you.)