If you've ever had a question about the human lifespan and how to extend it - you cannot find a more eminent expert than Dr. Roy Walford.
Here is the information that I shared with many who seemed interested in adding years to their lives so that they can continue on with the many important tasks that they know and feel called to do. There are many factors and choices in our lives that we can work with which will lead to a better quality of life. We can affect our diet, stop poor health practices such as smoking or drinking or unsafe sexual practices, safe driving habits, not talking on the cell phone as you drive, do physical (cardio, core/weight, and Yoga/Stretching) exercise at least 5 days a week, daily meditate, practice spiritual exercises including breathing and prayer, improve our mental health and attitudes, and a multitude of other factors. These are things we can do now -- some with little effort and others with a great deal of effort on our part. I am not talking about some frail half dead 100 year person warehoused in a home for the aged, but a 100 year old person who is still going strong as though they were in their 50's or 60's and can walk and are active.
- Choosing to smoke or not smoke. If you smoke, you can choose to quit or use the time honored excuse of I cannot quit because the addiction is too strong for me.
- Choosing to drink alcohol or not.
- Choosing to eat the SAD (Standard American Diet) Diet or changing your diet to have a healthy body that will stay young and strong for over a hundred years. Note: The DNA in our cells had the code of immortality written in them and one of the results of what is coming will be tuning into the key to unlock this DNA code.
- Choose to exercise or not exercise your muscles and heart.
- Choose to meditate or not meditate.
- Choose to improve yourself mentally or stagnate as a person.
- Choose regular store bought food or buy organic naturally raised food
The Anti-Aging Plan
by Roy Walford, MD
Note and disclaimer: This is for your information and knowledge only and I do not get any financial renumeration from Amazon. My only reward is seeing a person helped by this as it improves their life.
Namasté (नमस्ते [nʌmʌsˈteː]
(Sanskrit - I bow to the Divinity in you.)
Siochan leat
(Gaelic - Peace be with you.)